Dear friends, supporters and sympathizers,

Last week Eyes on Animals and TSB|AWF published  a shocking report and film about the routine violations taking place in the  export trade of live animals from Europe to Turkey. In the period 2010-2015 we inspected 352 livestock trucks at the Turkish-Bulgarian border. As many as 247 of these were in violation of the law. The most frequent violations we documented were: overcrowding, exceeding the maximum journey times, transport at high temperatures above the maximum allowed and not offering sufficient clean drinking water to the animals.

Each year we reported our findings to the EU Member States, the European Commission, Turkish Authorities, livestock transport companies and exporters. We also made officials complaints about each documented violation. It was all to no avail: officials were often denying their responsibilities of passing the blame on to other parties and promises were not fulfilled. Meanwhile, the situation at the border has hardly improved and the export  of animals continues unabated.

As a last resort we decided to launch a major international media campaign to bring the issue to a wide audience and shame this trade and its players. And with success! Because of our hard efforts to get media attention together with TSB | AWF and with the help of CIWF, media in 13 EU countries paid attention to this story. We were interviewed twice on Bulgarian television, a 2-page article appeared in the well-read Dutch daily newspaper Trouw, our letter to the Belgian Minister of Animal Welfare was published by MO* and there was a big piece in "Süddeutsche Zeitung", the second largest newspaper in Germany. Also, parliamentary questions were asked by the Dutch Political Party for the Animals.

Below you will find a list of all the media that published something about the story.  Please won´t you help us to make our campaign an even bigger success? Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and share our posts and media links with your followers. And please do continue to support our work by making a donation so that we can continue sending teams out into the field to document and expose stories like this.

With best wishes,

Your Eyes on Animals team

IBAN: NL73TRIO0212364219

Newspapers en magazines
17.02.2016 Netherlands - Trouw: 48 uur in een trailer naar Turkije
20.02.2016 Austria - Kleine Zeitung:  
Grobe Mängel bei Tiertransporten enttarnt
20.02.2016 Switzerland - Neue Zürcher Zeitung:
Das Leiden der Tiere im Niemandsland
20.02.2016 Switzerland- SDA:
Missstände bei Tiertransporten aus der EU in die Türkei
21.02.2016 Germany - Süddeutsche Zeitung:  
Die Tortur
28.02.2016 Ireland - The Irish Sunday Times: Irish hauliers accused of mistreating cattle
18.02.2016 Bulgaria -
Gospodari na efira
01-03-2016 Bulgaria -
19.02.2016 Netherlands- Vara’s Vroege Vogels: Veel wetsovertredingen bij veetransport
22.02.2016 Poland -
20.02.2016 Switzerland- Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen: News report
27.02.2016 Bulgaria - BNR Radio:
Graecia in animalium cum stetissent negotiatio et testificor in NGOs
17.02.2016 Netherlands - Boerderij:
'Stop met vee-export naar Turkije'
17.02.2016 Netherlands - Zaman Vandaag:
'Veel fout bij veevervoer van EU naar Turkije'
18.02.2016 Netherlands - VATD:
Stop met tolereren systematische wetsovertredingen bij internationale veehandel vanuit EU naar derde landen
19.02.2016 Netherlands - PiepVandaag:
‘Stop wetsovertredingen internationale veetransporten’
19.02.2016 Netherlands - Drimble:
´Stop wetsovertredingen internationale veetransporten´
19.02.2016 Germany - SZ Online:
Die Tortur
20.02.2016 Poland - Gazeta Wyborcza:
Raport o dręczeniu zwierząt w transporcie.
20.02.2016 Switzerland - NZZ Online:
Das Leiden der Tiere im Niemandsland
20.02.2016 Switzerland - Schweizer Bauer:
Missstände bei Tiertransporten aus der EU in die Türkei
20.02.2016 Switzerland - Zentralplus:
Protest gegen türkische Tiertransporte
20.02.2016 Switzerland - Newsblogger:
Systematische Rechtsverstösse bei EU-Tiertransporten in Drittstaaten
20.02.2016 Hongaria - Figyelö:
Poklok Pokla A Török Halálúton
20.02.2016 Germany -
Tiertransporte: Aktivisten prangern Rechtsverstöße an
21.02.2016 France - Paris Match:
Transport D’Animaux: La video du calvaire
21.02.2016 Bulgaria - Blitz: Евроразследване ни уличи в ужасяващо потъпкване на правата на добитъка
21.02.2016 Bulgaria - Novini:  
Евроразследване ни уличи в ужасяващо потъпкване на правата на добитъка
21.02.2016 Bulgaria - Pil:
Унгария, България и Франция допускат най-осъдителни нарушения в ЕС при превоза на животни
22.02.2016 International -
People bringing water to the animals everyone else has forgotten
22.02.2016 Poland - Active & Eco:
Nie Dla Eksportu Zywych Zwierzat
22.02.2016 Fra
nce - MSN: Transport d’animaux : la vidéo du calvaire
22.02.2016 France - DD Magazine:
Exportations d'animaux vivants vers la Turquie : cruelles et pas nécessaires
23.02.2016 France - Fondation 30 millions d’amis:
Transport d’animaux d’élevage vers la Turquie : la vidéo de la honte
23.02.2016 France - Animaux Online:
Transport d'animaux : le calvaire des animaux envoyés vers la Turquie
23.02.2016 Italy - La Repubblica:
Quegli animali ammassati nei camion, portati a morire fuori dall'Europa
24.02.2016 Italy - Panorama: Animali: 'Il viaggio del condannato', centinaia di migliaia verso la Turchia
24.02.2016 Turkey -
Hayvan Hakları Savunucularından Türkiye'ye Şok Suçlama
24.02.2016 Turkey - Deutsche Welle Türkçe:
Türkiye'ye hayvan ihracatı durdurulsun
24.02.2016 Turkey -
Hayvan Hakları Savunucularından Türkiye'ye Şok Suçlama
24.02.2016 Italy - La Stampa: “Il viaggio del condannato”, l’incubo di centinaia di migliaia di animali verso la Turchia
24.02.2016 Italy - Quotidiano: Animali vivi dalla Ue verso la Turchia: 7 camion su 10 violano le leggi
24.02.2016 Italy - La Repubblica D Blog:
Al macello senza pietà: inchiesta al confine con la Turchia
24.02.2016 Italy - AdnKronos:
Dall'Ue alla Turchia, l''orribile' viaggio del bestiame verso il macello
24.02.2016 Italy - Focus:
Animali: 'Il viaggio del condannato', centinaia di migliaia verso la Turchia
24.02.2016 Italy - La Salute in Pillole: Animali:
‘Il viaggio del condannato’, centinaia di migliaia verso la turchia
24.02.2016 Italy - Nelcuore:
Turchia, importati ogni anno 2 milioni di animali d’allevamento
24.02.2016 Italy - Sassari Notizie: Animali:
'Il viaggio del condannato', centinaia di migliaia verso la Turchia
24.02.2016 Italy - Eco Seven: Animali:
'Il viaggio del condannato', centinaia di migliaia verso la Turchia
24.02.2016 Italy - Il Meteo:
Animali: 'Il viaggio del condannato', centinaia di migliaia verso la Turchia
24.02.2016 Italy - Il Tempo:
Animali: 'Il viaggio del condannato', centinaia di migliaia verso la Turchia
25.02.2016 Italy - Fanpage:
Le torture che subiscono gli animali trasportati vivi dall’UE alla Turchia
25.02.2016 Italy - ANSA: Associazioni, in Turchia trasporto animali vivi viola regole
25.02.2016 Italy - Green me: Trasporti animali vivi: migliaia di esemplari torturati, nel silenzio dell’unione Europea (petizione e video)
26.02.2016 Poland - Ulica ekologiczna: Stop cierpieniom milionów transportowanych zwierząt! Uwaga: drastyczne
26.02.2016 Italy - Uomini e Trasporti: Animali vivi: il 70% dei trasporti dall’UE alla Turchia infrange le leggi
27.02.2016 Italy - Leonardo: Trasporto animali vivi: esemplari torturati e silenzio UE
28.02.2016 Ireland - The Irish Sunday Times: Irish hauliers accused of mistreating cattle
28.02.2016 France - Mediapart: Exportations d'animaux de ferme français vers la Turquie : cruelles et illégales
10.03.2016 Belgium - Mo*: ‘Belgische plannen export runderen naar Turkije onaanvaardbaar’

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